On Tuesday, February 5, 2008 Dana, Jimmy and Emmy Cherry were killed in a tornado that ripped the foundation from their home in Atkins Arkansas. Dana was 43, Jimmy 40 and Emmy was 10 years old. There can never be an explanation that settles our curiosity of why these things happen. We can rely on faith or family. We can turn to hate, anger and disgust. In the end we are left with our own feelings that will change hundreds of times as we live on in this world that takes away our loved ones. Did we learn something from this? Yes. We learned to take nature seriously. We were all guilty of balking at tornado watches and warnings. We learned that life is precious - but we all knew that. We have all said each time someone was taken away that we should have "kept in touch," "paid more visits" or "sent more emails."
What is left is this tribute to a family who had phenomenal faith in their God; a family who was whisked away in a split moment; a family who left such a large footprint that echoes of them resound from across the oceans.
What is left is faith, love and lessons.
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